Saturday, June 30, 2007

Alli Diet, A Healthier Lifestyle

It is very helpful for a virtuous woman to be healthy and in shape in order to take better care of her household!

I have decided on what seems to be the latest surefire way to a healthier lifestyle. I just purchased the new FDA approved Alli. If you haven't heard about it, perhaps you have not been online long, watched television, or been in the store. This weight loss plan seems to be the best way to healthy eating that I've seen in a while. I've been struggling with what I feel is excess weight for the last 8 years I believe.

Well at first I was a bit skeptical and wondered if this was just another lose weight quick fad. After much research, I've learned that Alli is much more than that. Not only is it a weight loss product that physicians have been prescribing for years, but, it is a program that includes an individual plan for your gradual weight loss success and lifetime of healthier living! I started my pills today and I am really excited to see results as I begin eating healthier, exercising more, and buying smaller clothes (yippee!) I will keep you up to date on my progress, side effects, and overall success so keep checking back for more in post to come!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

6 Ways to Praise God

Of course there are several ways to give the Almighty God praise and He is due all of our praise for all He has done and for who He is...
I love to refer to this beautiful psalm!

1 Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.

2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.

3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,

4 praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,

5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.

Psalm 150

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blessed Beyond Measure

I found this poem and I just thought it was fitting for how I'm feeling about my fam. Check it out~

Written and Submitted by: Geraldine Rose

A more precious family
There never could be
Than the family
God gave to me.

Always standing by my side
In good times and bad
I never can say
How grateful I am.

Blessed beyond measure
This woman sure is
The men in my life
Give me reason to live.

This is so true
I love each of you
So these words depart
Straight from my heart!

copyright © by Mrs. Geraldine Rose--November 7, 2003

A dedication to the men in my life, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my husband James, and little man Amir

Monday, June 25, 2007

Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman

The majority of Proverbs 31 describes a virtuous woman who leads her home with integrity, discipline and giftedness. This wife and mother is a leader not because she tries to be one, but because of who she is.

Her Assets
She is trustworthy (v.11)
She is a positive influence (v.12)
She is a hard worker vv.13, 14, 19, 24-27)
She is a planner vv.21, 22)
She is protective(v.27)

Her Achievements

She meets the needs of her home (v.15)
She invests for her household (v.16)
She keeps herself in shape (v.17)
She helps her husband become successful (v.23)

Her Attitudes
Delightful (v.13)
Healthy (v.18)
Compassionate (v.20)
Unselfish (v.20)
Public (v.25)

Her Applause

From her family (v.28)
From her husband (vv.28,29)
From God's Word (v.30)
From her works (v.31)

Proverbs 31: 29 and 30 says "Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all… a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

So, in the final analysis, what are you trying to hold on to… your role as a homemaker, housekeeper, mother, wife or is it to "fear the LORD" and live a directed life?
I know which one I'm striving for and I also know that in my pursuit of putting Him first, it's inevitable that I will become a better homemaker, housekeeper, mother and wife.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Best Things in Life Aren't Things

So here we are blessed with another weekend and it seems that we have no funds to go anywhere or do anything too exciting. No worries! I am just as happy being home all day with my husband and child. At first I thought I might get cabin fever since I had been in the house nearly all week, but, the joy of just having my family here replaces any desire to leave the house. Funny how the best things in life don't cost a thing. When it comes right down to it, as the saying goes... "The best things in life aren't things!"

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Secret Revealed

Once again, I have come to a point in my writing where I see the need for change. While they say change is the only constant in this life, I beg to differ. The most important thing to remember is the Lord Jesus never changes. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

The general purpose of this blog to begin with was for me to have an outlet and hopefully give some insight or inspiration to others reading it. Of course I still want others to enjoy my scribbles and I want to use it as an outlet for my mental and emotional health. I will also often blog about everyday life as a wife, mother, friend, etc. Part of being a virtuous woman is having stability in all of the areas I tend to focus on: mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Now, I want to bring the focus back to God and becoming the woman God wants me to become. I changed my title because I have a strong desire to be a virtuous woman. On this journey, I hope other women will join me on this quest. As for the men reading my posts, I pray that you will find that virtuous woman God has for you. "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD." Proverbs 18:22

As you may have already known, the secret of The Virtuous Woman is already revealed in Proverbs 31 and it is in no way a secret. God wants women to be virtuous. In using the term the secret of the virtuous woman, I am speaking to my personal everyday opinions, reviews, suggestions, and thoughts on everyday things that may not be known to others except through my writings. Thus, I am the virtuous woman and my post will reveal the secret to becoming a virtuous woman like me. I am in no way saying I am perfect, but I am perfecting and speaking to the fact that if not already, I will become a virtuous woman. "As it is written: ... calls things that are not as though they were." Romans 4:17
Look for more on the secret in post to come...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

27 Ways to Reduce Stress and Boost Energy

Stress can take a toll on both your physical health and mental well-being. It can lower your immunity to colds, flu, and even more serious illnesses. It can affect your sleep patterns, interfere with job performance, and leave you irritable. Stress can also trigger all sorts of skin disorders, including psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, and hives.Fortunately, there are ways to get a handle on stress and up your energy:

1. Peace of Mind
2. Learn relaxation techniques.
3. Schedule "worry sessions."Set aside a specific 15 minutes each day when you'll concentrate on everything that's bothering you. When worries pop up during the day, save them for these 15 minutes. Then picture yourself conquering a particular challenge. It's not easy, but it's simple. And it works.
4. Keep a journal.New studies suggest that people who are able to write about their innermost feelings may enjoy better mental and physical health. Writing is also a powerful tool that helps you organize your thoughts and make life a little bit easier.
5. Pep up with a scent.When you need an energy boost, take a whiff of muguet or peppermint oil. Preliminary studies suggest these scents can promote alertness.
6. Power naps.15-20 minutes can be very energizing and rejuvenating. Careful - more than 20 minutes and you'll wake up more tired than you were to begin with.
7. Delegate.On your weekly calendar, eliminate the least important tasks and activities. Delegate household chores. Even if things aren't done the way you want them done, it's important for everyone to pitch in so you don't feel like the Lone Ranger.
8. Reward yourself.Every day engage in a just-for-you activity, PROVIDED you accomplished something you set out to do for that day.
9. Laugh.Laughter really is good medicine.
10. Cry.Feel better after a good cry? Studies show that the tears you produce when you're anxious, upset, sad, or angry contain stress-relieving hormones.
11. Get a body massage.
12. DO NOT skip meals.
13. Eat a "good mood" breakfast.
14. Have a midmorning muffin.USE THIS ONLY IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Carbs combined with a LIMITED amount of sugar can restore mental energy.
15. Quick, low-fat lunch.Broiled fish, skinless chicken, tuna, deli turkey or chicken with a teaspoon of low-fat mayo on whole-grain bread can give you energy for the afternoon.
16. Beat the mid-afternoon lag.If you're droopy by 3 pm, have a cup of coffee to get back on track. (I don't suggest doing this very often, either. It's quite possible you need to catch up with some Z's.)
17. Make dinner your lightest meal.If you've eaten a balanced, substantial lunch, you'll feel surprisingly satisfied with a light dinner.
18. Watch the caffeine.A little caffeine is okay for a little boost. Too much and you're making your adrenal glands work overtime.
19. Cut back on sugar and starches.
20. NO alcohol.
21. Aerobic exercise daily.Along with cardiovascular health, aerobic exercise boosts production of endorphins. 25-30 minutes can significantly reduce stress and increase energy.
22. Deep breathing.
23. Shrug off tight shoulders.Whenever you notice you're tense around your neck area and shoulders, shrug your shoulders ten times.
24. Take a break to stretch.Alternating arms, reach upward, stretching toward the ceiling. Five times each side.
25. Stretch neck tension away.Touch your chin to your chest and hold for 2 seconds. Try to touch your left ear to your left shoulder (keep it relaxed - no reaching up!) and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat for the right ear/shoulder for 2 seconds. Repeat entire cycle if necessary.
26. Stand up.If you spend most of the day sitting at a desk, stand up once every hour for 20 minutes, and do any of the exercises mentioned above to relax and stimulate circulation.
27. Take out your frustrations on the iron.Pumping iron, that is. You've got all those stress hormones flowing around your body and they're not getting used up. Aerobic exercise may calm them down some, but new studies are showing lifting weights help you burn off those stress hormones more effectively.

For more detailed ways to reduce stress/boost energy click here
Submitted at

Monday, June 18, 2007

How to Take Time to Write

I am on vacation this week and so I am thinking this means I will have plenty of time to post. Ugh! I'm not so sure about that. I have a list of things I really want to get done and I need to organize my time properly so that I will definitely take care of all that I need to. Have you ever looked at the time and it was way past the time you thought it was so you just start to wonder , " Where did the time go?" Well I will try my best to make a post each day because it is so necessary for my mental stability I think! Maybe a list would be appropriate to ensure that I get done what needs to be done in a timely manner but with less frustration and stress. Wait a minute, I did say I am on vacation this week right? OK let's start this over. I am on vacation this weeks and so this means I have plenty of time to post! YEAH... that's more like it! I will take the time to write. I am speaking it and so that settles it. As I've said before I speak best in the written form. God is good all the time! Right on...Write On!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How to Let Go and Let God

I've recently been doing a lot more soul searching and meditating. Talk about a wake-up call! I am coming to the realization that I have not been putting forth much effort in my passions. My husband, always very supportive, has helped me to understand that I need to take more time doing the things that I love to do and relax in a way that I have never relaxed. I am taking more bubble baths and allowing myself to laugh at myself. The buck definitely does not stop there. I have a whole list of things that I could be focusing more attention on, but at the top of that list is actually not listing. Okay maybe that was a little confusing or even contradictory, either way, it did spiral out the way I meant it. See, that's the thing, I've been too cautious in my writing and maybe a little too conservative. Bottom line; I haven't been giving it my all. Well I definitely accredit this awakening to my love for Christ and actually turning back to Him since I have also not been giving my all to Him either. What I am saying is this: It's time I, "Let Go, Let Love, Let God." I need to get back to making Him the center of my attention and everything else will fall into place: financial stability, mental health, physical health, family, friends, and being my all and all. "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;" Ephesians 5:20