Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pure Consumption

So they say our body needs 8 glasses of water a day right? No? I've heard that there is a such thing as too much H2O! I really want to be healthy for myself and my family, but it gets a bit confusing as to what I should or should not put in my body. I've tried several diets and exercise programs, a host of pills, and cutting back this or that. For the most part they have worked for a while until, BAM, I eat a french fry or don't get to the gym for a week and I feel I have failed miserably. Maybe I am too hard on myself. For the most part I am exceedingly happy and I try not to concern myself too much with my image, but then I watch TV! Image is everything huh?


Understand? said...

Hey mama, have you tried going on a spiritual fast? I have dropped quite a bit of weight, and my mom was analyzing what real changes I made during this particular process. It is true that as long as I am not living in Cali... I drop weight. It happened in VA, and it was even more dramatic when I came to Chicago. I have been on a Daniel fast, not for weightloss, but to purge myself spiritually and mentally. (day 7) and I can say that I have dropped a few lbs. However, during lent I gave up shopping and forced myself to cook...a dramatic changed occured there. Search out diets that have a spiritual undertone. I will email my cousin about one she tried to hip me to. It needs to be a lifestyle change. In many ways I feel like I am morphing into who GOD intended me to be all along. I don't eat beef or pork and YOU KNOW WE LOVE CHICKEN. BUt I can't tell you the last time I ate it fried. Think about it.

Kaydee said...

thanks honey! You are so right. I really have to seek Him more and do what his will. You are such a blessing and I thank God for you. I HAVE to go to bed now so that I will get up and workout! Love,peace, and you know the rest...

Bre said...

i read something a while back that said the 8 glasses of water a day isn't really about drinking 8 glasses of water. you get water from the foods you eat as well! so don't be too hard on yourself if you can't physically drink that much. the foods you eat are full of water, too. :-)